It’s early days

Outling is coming to an app store near you, and with it, a future where families are naturally active. Subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you'll be the first to know about our progress.

Discover nearby adventure

Outling shows you where to go and what to do, tailored to you and your family.

Get motivated

Outling inspires and helps you engage with nature and outdoor activity.

The right gear

Outling helps you make sure you have the right gear for any activity.

Plan ahead

Outling helps you to plan for the weekend and holiday, so that your next family outing really happens.

Your Travel Companion

When you find yourself in a new location, Outling makes sure you know about the best activities at hand.

The Outling Mission

Active families are calm, happy and healthy.

Inactivity, on the other hand, is harmful. As society and its entertainments become increasingly digital, inactivity is rising at an alarming rate. Children in particular need to be physically active to develop their minds and bodies. Outling provides a set of tools to counter this trend.

Our mission is to make movement, activity, exploration and adventure an everyday thing in the life of families across the globe. Children that grow up active, remain active.

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